+91 8420941220
Kolkata I Delhi I Pune I Bihar

Whiteboard Animations

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What We Do

Convey Your Brand Message With Intuitive Visual Illustrations

Make that critical leap from being heard to being understood with unique, engaging, and highly effective whiteboard animation services from OneDizitalz Private Limited.

Explain Complex Ideas Easily

Turn complex ideas into simple and dry concepts into entertaining by making them understandable with visual metaphors.

Make Brand Messaging Engaging

Hold your audience’s attention in an increasingly distracting world and make your calls to action more effective.
How it Works ~

You Have Got The Goal,
We Have Got The Strategy

Stay on top of the Internet and get found through winning strategies.


Customized Services

No one-size-fits-all strategy. Planning and altering services for every individual brand and business.

Multi-Faceted Plan

Formulating and implementing a multi-faceted plan to bring more leads and convert them into customers.

Relentless Optimization

Bringing down your costs and improving ROI through relentless optimization of your campaigns and websites.

Outclass Competition

Data-driven strategies to surge your business’s growth & revenue to place you above your competitors.
Expert Whiteboard Animation Services

Bring Your Brand To Life With Top-Of-The-Line Animations

Let us create compelling whiteboard animations which perfectly dictate your brand story in the most engaging way to your audience.

Skilfully blending art, design, sound, and a lot more to instantly capture the attention of your viewers and make them convinced.

Understanding your end goals and target audience to put together a script that will accomplish your set purpose.
Individually building out every single scene of the whiteboard animation so that you can see and give your input.
Collaboratively deciding on the animation’s narrator – the crucial piece in pulling your viewers in and keeping them engaged.
Bringing your brand story to life and delivering the animation video that will become the difference maker in your arsenal.
Why choose Us?

Frequently Asked Question

You can use your whiteboard video to tell your story across multiple marketing channels. For instance - on your website or app, on social media, in your email marketing, or at events.
Yes! We never use stock imagery for whiteboard animations. We can completely reproduce your business products, reflect your company’s USP and even draw characters that are reminiscent of your team members.
The whiteboard video animation services usually keep videos to a maximum length of 2-3 minutes (around 450-500 words). Training or explainer videos can be a little bit longer. A series of short videos are usually a better choice than a single, longer whiteboard video.
At One Dizitalz, we take around 6 weeks to complete an average 2–3-minute whiteboard video. This time could vary depending on several factors – the number of modifications you require and how quickly you respond.
Although whiteboard animation takes longer to design, there isn’t much animation involved like in a 2D video. Thus, its costs are generally lower than they are for 2D animation.
Testimonials ~

We Don’t Just Promise, We Deliver

A number of esteemed clients have partnered with OneDizitalz Private Limited over the years and witnessed their digital goals and objectives getting translated into business growth and online success.

Get in Touch With Us

Our team has the courage, scale, passion, diversity and resourcefulness that promise wherever and however the world needs team has the courage, scale, passion.


Kolkata I Delhi i Pune I Bihar

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